Exxelia rejoint le groupe Heico Corporation

Exxelia tourne une page de son histoire actionnariale et devrait rejoindre le groupe américain HEICO Corporation via sa filiale Electronic Technologies Group (ETG).

La transaction sera réalisée auprès d'IK Partners, actionnaire majoritaire d’Exxelia depuis 2015, et devrait intervenir avant la fin du premier trimestre 2023.


Laurans A. Mendelson, président et chef de la direction d'HEICO, ainsi que Victor H. Mendelson, coprésident et chef de la direction d'HEICO ont déclaré : "Nous sommes ravis qu'une si belle entreprise, avec ses remarquables membres d'équipe, sa direction et produits, feront partie de HEICO, et nous sommes impatients d'accueillir toutes les personnes formidables d'Exxelia dans la famille HEICO. Tout en poursuivant la stratégie de HEICO consistant à élargir notre large gamme de composants et Hi-Rel pour les applications les plus exigeantes. Exxelia fournit également à HEICO une grande diversité géographique, y compris sur l'important marché Européen."


Paul Maisonnier, PDG d'Exxelia, a déclaré : "Nous sommes ravis de nous lancer dans une nouvelle étape de développement avec HEICO. Nous apprécions vraiment les valeurs de la famille Mendelson, qui correspondent parfaitement à celles d'Exxelia. Notre objectif de faire d'Exxelia un leader mondial dans les composants et sous-systèmes passifs Hi-Rel pour environnements difficiles, tels que les marchés de l'aéronautique, de la défense, de l'espace et du médical, sera accélérée sous l'égide de HEICO. Ensemble, nous renforcerons nos capacités d'innovation et opérationnelles et accélérerons notre stratégie d'internationalisation. Nous remercions IK Partners pour leur soutien au cours des dernières années, qui nous a permis d'établir une plateforme de confiance pour soutenir nos ambitions de croissance mondiale."


Dan Soudry, Managing Partner chez IK Partners et Advisor du fonds IK VII, et Diki Korniloff, Partner chez IK Partners, ont ajouté : "En tant qu'actionnaires d'Exxelia depuis 2015, nous sommes très heureux d'avoir pu accompagner sa très talentueuse équipe de direction à travers les différentes étapes de transformation, de structuration et de croissance de l'entreprise, doublant son effectif à plus de 2 100 personnes et entraînant une forte augmentation des investissements en R&D et de son empreinte industrielle. Nous pensons notamment que HEICO est un excellent foyer pour Exxelia étant donné qu'ils partagent des valeurs communes et nous sommes très heureux que HEICO acquière Exxelia. Nous aimerions profiter de cette occasion pour souhaiter à l'équipe et à HEICO tout le meilleur pour l'avenir."



A propos de HEICO

HEICO Corporation est principalement engagée dans la conception, la production, l'entretien et la distribution de produits et services sur certains segments de niche des domaines de l'aérospatial, de la défense, de la médecine, des télécommunications et de l'électronique. Les clients de HEICO comprennent la majorité des compagnies aériennes ainsi que de nombreux sous-traitants de la défense et de l'espace, mais aussi des agences militaires du monde entier, en plus des fabricants d'équipements médicaux, de télécommunications et électroniques. 


Pour plus d'informations sur HEICO, veuillez visiter le site Web : www.heico.com.


Published on 24 Aug 2022 by Stephane PERES

2023 Revolutionary Exxelia MML™ Ultra-High Energy Density Film Capacitors

Discover the power of MML™ technology The best performing film capacitors on the market with the highest energy density ever! Exxelia&#39;s revolutionary MML™ ultra-high energy density Film Capacitors are a game changer in the industry due to their unparalleled energy density of 400 J/dm3. This allows for a significant reduction in size and weight in comparison to traditional Polypropylene or Polyester dielectrics, as well as an increased operating temperature of up to 140°C and protection against transient voltage. Not only do MML™ capacitors offer a large flexibility in design, allowing for low profile configurations, but they have also been tested in actual cases for controls and DC-Links functions in aircraft applications and have shown a reduction in size and weight of about 50% compared to other film technologies.   Furthermore, when compared to MLCCs, MML™ capacitors have demonstrated a reduction in weight of between 70% to 90%, with no capacitance derating with voltage applied and a low drift of less than 5% across the temperature range. Applications that previously required clusters of stacked MLCCs can now be replaced by a single MML™ unit of similar size, with the added reliability that film dielectric offers. The exceptional properties of Exxelia&#39;s new MML™ capacitors make them suitable for a wide range of applications including power supplies, DC-links, AC/DC/AC power converters, charge/discharge or power generation functions of commercial/military aircraft, satellite platforms and payloads, launchers, defibrillators, downhole tools and any other applications that require confined electronics. Samples are available upon request.     Features & Benefits : Miniaturization of the function : Up to 50% size reduction vs other film technologies ; matching footprint with stacked MLCC Lightweight : 50% lighter vs other film technologies ; 80 to 90% lighter than ceramic No capacitance derating in voltage, stable in temperature (<5% drift through the temperature range) Capacitance from 1μF to 1000μF  Voltages from 50V to 1000V  Operating Temperature -55 °C to +140 °C Highly customizable   Get your white paper around our MML Film Capacitor Download our white paper now on our innovative Miniature Micro-Layer™ (MML™) technology, which offers the highest capacitance per volume for film capacitors available on the market, by filling out the form below.   Chargement&hellip;

Exxelia at IMS

Ultra low ESR, high RF power and high self-resonant frequency The NHB series is a complete range of MLCC based on NPO dielectric material providing a very high Self Resonant Frequency and limiting the parasite Parallel Resonant Frequencies. The series is available in 1111 size with capacitance ranging from 0. 3pF to 100pF. NHB series offers excellent performance for RF power applications at high temperature up to 175°C and at 500 VDC. The lowest ESR is obtained by combining highly conductive metal electrodes and proprietary of new NPO low loss rugged dielectrics. NHB series particularly fits for high power and high frequency applications such as: cellular base station equipment, broadband wireless service, point to point / multipoint radios and broadcasting equipment. Typical circuit applications: impedance matching, bypass, feedback, tuning, coupling and DC blocking. 100% invar tuning screws with self-locking system   Invar-36 is a unique Iron-Nickel alloy (64 % Fe / 36 % Ni) sought-after for its very low coefficient of thermal expansion. With 1.1 ppm. K–1 between 0°C and 100°C, Invar-36 is about 17 times more stable than Brass which is the most traditional and common alloy Tuning Elements are made of. The working temperature range in Space is so wide that this property becomes essential for a reliable and stable cavity filter tuning. Self-locking system is a technology commonly used on Tuning Element made of Brass or other soft “easy-to-machine” alloys but is innovative and pretty advanced when applied to hard and tough Invar 36. The design consists of two threaded segments separated by two parallel slots. After cutting both parallel slots, the rotor is compressed in its length in order to create a plastic deformation. Thus, an offset is induced between the two threaded segments which generates a constant tensile stress in the rotor from the moment threaded segments are screwed. High Q Factor Dielectric Resonators in large batches Dielectric resonators are designed to replace resonant cavities in microwave functions such as filters and oscillators. Exxelia with the support of ESA and CNES developed the E7000 series that provides a narrow bandwidth with smaller size. E7000 is Ba-Mg-Ta materials based that combines an ultra-high Q-factor and the possibility to get all the temperature coefficients upon request. E7000 features the high-performance requested for space use in the frequency range from 5 to 32 GHz, and guarantees up to Qxf > 250 000 at 10GHZ. Being one of the few manufacturers producing its own raw materials, Exxelia perfectly masters the production of dielectric resonators. Induced by the success of this new range, the company is now able to provide larger batches (up to 20kg of powder) of its E7000 series while keeping the exact same product properties, resulting in opportunities for cost-effective volume fabrication.